QPIDS would like to invite clinical immunology services to complete the 2023 census.
Services can complete the census using the link below or through the email circulated by the QPIDS team. Services can preview the census questions here.

The census contains questions on staffing, patient activity and research. It is important for clinical immunology services to complete the census, so that we have an accurate picture and can help services both now and over the next few years. Services are able to access the census reports and use as a benchmarking tool. For example, the QPIDS census can be used as ammunition for services to show where there is a need to improve staffing resources. The census reports are shared at key meetings including UKPIN and ESID, and help to build a picture of immunology services across the UK. Services can view the 2021 census report on the QPIDS website.
The deadline to complete the census is 31 May 2023.
If you have any questions about the census or require any assistance, please contact the QPIDS team: askqpids@rcp.ac.uk